Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Current State Of South Africa Essay - 2016 Words

The current state of South Africa, 20 years post-apartheid, is regarded by many as desegregation achieved. However, in order for this to be completely true, it has to apply on every level. Pettigrew (2008), defined desegregation as the mere physical mixing of groups, and on this level, yes, we can say that the racial mixing of those previously segregated, is desegregation achieved. Yet, there is a distinct line between desegregation and genuine integration between the same people (Pettigrew, 2008). Contact theory has been widely studied for many years, the conditions crucial for it to be successful and to facilitate the effect of reducing prejudice between the groups are: cooperation between the groups/’s members, equal status between the two groups, authority support, and common goals (Pettigrew, 2008). Members of the dominant group have negative distorted perceptions about members of the subordinate group (Reicher, 2007). The theory was developed during a time when racial tension and racism were thought to be rooted from irrational beliefs and attitudes of and towards outgroups, as well as the assumption that behaviour and attitude were connected and that if one changed, the other would follow (Emerson, Kimbro, Yancey, 2002). Although contact theory is very effective in increasing intergroup relationships and reducing prejudice, there are limitations. Contact theory requires a utopian setting for it to be tested and rated effectively, where optimal contact andShow MoreRelatedThe Current State Of South Africa1175 Words   |  5 PagesBACKGROUND ON SOUTH AFRICA 1. South Africa was called the hopeless continent 16 years ago. Much of the negative world view stemmed from wounds created by government supported racial segregation which continues to affect South Africa’s economy today; however, the abundant resources and potential economic growth of this country should not be overlooked. 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