Saturday, February 29, 2020

Business munication of Exchanging Information

It is evident that munication is a process of exchanging information accurately and is a connecting aspect for deepen the connections to others and improve teamwork (Griffin, 2013). In recent times, it is seen that Chinese people are taking interest to travel to Australia for visiting the tourist places to explore the beauty and culture of this nation. However, the difference in their culture and language results in a munication gap that needs to be reduced for effective munication (Orey, 2014). Thus, the following report will provide an illustration regarding improving munication skills within the organization. The two of the most effective areas of the training programs that will be considered are developing good interpersonal skills among the staffs and international tourists especially Chinese and developing the culture of the entire organization so that tourists can rely on the pany for getting accurate information. Furthermore, some r mendations will also be presented for the f uture progress of these programs so that more people from China can visit Australia for acquiring knowledge and beauty of the nation. International people especially Chinese often face difficulties in munication with Australian people and thus they did not get proper information and details regarding tourist’s places, hotels and routes for these destinations (Eisler & Frederiksen, 2012). Thus, it is crucial to develop a good interpersonal skill among the staffs with international tourists. This process prises of improvement of nonverbal munication, improvement of interactions with international tourists and managing people's impressions on the staffs (Robles, 2012). Thus, it can be said that not only appropriate non-verbal munication is crucial but effective listening and based on that offering effective feedback is also important that has to be developed for improved munication skills within the organization. O'Neil (2014) stated that firstly it is important to improve the non-verbal munication and understands all its activities like facial expressions, use of touch and voice for munication. It is thus, further stated by Griffin (2013) that Visual cues are more important to deliver and interpret that of the audio cues. Thus, staffs of Coit's Outback Adventures must have to attain a positive gesture and a smiling attitude while attending any international tourists. However, Cheruvelil et al. (2014) highlight that these non-verbal cues can be attained if the staffs understand the importance of nonverbal munication. The staffs have to prehend the nonverbal munications that they receive from the tourists and then clear all their queries for providing them all the necessary details on Australia’s tourist’s destination along with the hotels and route details. Furthermore, learning of fortable body language is also necessary for effective interpersonal skills. Griffin (2013) denote d that a friendly gesture makes people share their confusion and queries to other. Thus, it will be beneficial for Coit's Outback Adventures’ staffs to learn fortable body language for clearing all the queries of tourist. This program for body language prises of actively listening by nodding, relaxed and formal gesture, eye-to-eye interaction; gender differences influence nonverbal munication, less interruption while tourists are explaining their queries and regulation of emotional cues. Keyton et al. (2013) moreover portray persuasiveness regarding the suggestion the staffs are giving to their clients, learning to incorporate a we ing body language in their behavior and being strategically assertive should be goals for improving the interactions. Staffs of Coit's Outback Adventures should also learn a simple and direct language to municate with the international staffs. The contribution of information that others did not know and provide relevant and true information to clients also makes a goof munication (DuBrin, 2014). Additionally, staffs must also learn to follow social expectations about being polite and should avoid bragging or being self-centered as it will diminish the number of clients in future.   The term organization culture refers to the aspect of shared assumptions, values and beliefs that make people of the organization attain organizational goals (Alvesson, 2012). Orey (2014) furthermore depicts that munication in this context plays a crucial role in team management and their collaboratively work for attaining those goals/objectives for the organization. In this area of the training programs, the staffs of Coit's Outback Adventures can learn how to manage the tourist's impression on the staffs and the nation. The staffs can learn to find mon ground. Taken for instance, to find an efficient tourism package based on mon ground between the staff and tourist, staff can suggest the best service available n their affordable budget. In this way the conflicts can be avoided. Shahzad et al. (2012) furthermore define that the staffs should learn the culture for actively listen to the tourist and not to assume things on behalf of the client's. However, staffs have the liberty to sh are their ideas and concepts or an alternative acceptable on which the clients/tourist can agree. Moreover, the staffs should not find any faults in the client's view or the working procedure fellow workers. Instead of this, they should suggest them with alternative ideas by explaining its benefits. Nica (2013) stated that in this way the culture of the organization could be well represented by the international clients. Acceptance of challenges also drives the organizational culture as solving these challenges will provide them a petitive advantage. Staffs of Coit's Outback Adventures must learn all the tourist schemes and packages they have so that effective package can be offered as per as the flexibility of the budget. Lastly, superiors must be accessible to all the organizational functionalities and operation and offer services and suggestion to staffs and clients while they are clearing their queries (Alvesson, 2012). Moreover, in the training programs also these managing authorities should present and evaluate their performance so that best candidates can be offered with p roper recognition and challenging job responsibilities and roles for their motivation (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). This also improves the organization culture through formal munication. Allow tourists to share their queries Make staffs behave according to the culture of the tourists Make staffs to help tourists according to their preferences Allow tourists to share their queries Learning to be strategically assertive Allow tourists to share their queries Allow tourists to share their queries Allow the tourists to get appropriate information Allow tourists to share their queries Developing effective organizational culture Allow tourists to share their queries Maintain the organizational culture by retaining their employee as well as staffs Thus, it can be concluded that Coit's Outback Adventures should mainly focus on Developing good interpersonal skills and effective organizational culture for improving the munication skills among the clients and staffs. The training program majorly highlights the aspects of improvements in nonverbal munication while understanding their importance in assisting international tourists. Learning fortable body language, recognizing cultural norms and influence of gender differences in nonverbal munication and regulation of emotional cues are the chief concern of this training activity. Improvements in interactions can also be achieved by learning from being persuasive, strategically assertive and appropriate body postures so that tourist and clients can clear their queries and get effective suggestions. Lastly, with this training program, the staffs also e to learn about the conflict management that can be achieved by giving the tourist a chance to speak and behave friendly with them. Las tly, accessibility of managing authorities for helping staffs during the training programs and on-job performance along with the provision of the liberty to speak and actively listen the queries of tourists represents the organization culture of Coit's Outback Adventures. This section highlights some of the future development consequences that can be implemented to strengthen the training programs so that staffs can assist the tourist effectively and suggesting them with best possible options. In this way, both employee retention and customer retention can be ensured. Recognition in training- Managing authorities can provide recognition to the staffs, which perform extraordinary so that they can get the motivation to give their best to the organization. Providing them other job and challenging responsibility can also enhance their petencies. Thus, to achieve recognition every staff will intend to show their best and learn all the munication skill to perform extraordinary. Diversification- As Coit's Outback Adventures is providing tourism suggestions to international tourists, recruitment of people belonging from different culture and nation will be beneficial for the organization. In this way, staffs can get aware of the knowledge regarding their nation and cultural values. This will not only help them in training but understand the preferences of the tourists from their culture. In this way, effective suggestions can be provided to the tourist irrespective of their cultural and traditional differences. Incorporation of e-learning training programs- In this technological world, people spent more time with electronic gadgets. Thus, incorporation of video conferencing allows the staffs to know the experiences and business proceedings in tourism from experts and tourism professionals of leading organization. Alvesson, M. (2012).  Understanding organizational culture. Sage. Cheruvelil, K. S., Soranno, P. A., Weathers, K. C., Hanson, P. C., Goring, S. J., Filstrup, C. T., & Read, E. K. (2014). Creating and maintaining high?performing collaborative research teams: the importance of diversity and interpersonal skills.  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment,  12(1), 31-38. DuBrin, A. J. (2014).  Human relations: Interpersonal job-oriented skills. Pearson Higher Ed. Eisler, R. M., & Frederiksen, L. W. (2012).  Perfecting social skills: A guide to interpersonal behavior development  (Vol. 56). Springer Science & Business Media. Goetsch, D. L., & Davis, S. B. (2014).  Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson. Griffin, R. W. (2013).  Fundamentals of management. Cengage Learning. Keyton, J., Caputo, J. M., Ford, E. A., Fu, R., Leibowitz, S. A., Liu, T., ... & Wu, C. (2013). Investigating verbal workplace munication behaviors.  The Journal of Business munication (1973),  50(2), 152-169. Nica, E. (2013). Organizational culture in the public sector.  Economics, Management, and Financial Markets,  8(2), 179-184. O'Neil, H. F. (2014).  Workforce readiness: petencies and assessment. Psychology Press. Orey, M. (2014). munication skills training. American Society for Training and Development. Robles, M. M. (2012). Executive perceptions of the top 10 soft skills needed in today’s workplace.  Business munication Quarterly,  75(4), 453-465. Shahzad, F., Luqman, R. A., Khan, A. R., & Shabbir, L. (2012). Impact of organizational culture on organizational performance: an overview.  Interdisciplinary journal of contemporary research in business,  3(9), 975-985.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Teacher collaboration and student achievemant Research Paper

Teacher collaboration and student achievemant - Research Paper Example The respondents were asked to rate their response using Likert Scale as follows: strongly agree (1), agree (2), disagree (3), and strongly disagree (4). The following variables were used to identify the responses of teachers, to the questions posed above: (1) Informal Conversation; (2) One-on-One Assistance; (3) Routine Sharing of Materials, Methods, Ideas; (4) Routine Team Analyzing Data; and (5) Joint work. Analysis of Data and Interpretation Table 1 The Total Number of Respondents (Teachers) Per Grade Level and Department (Subjects) Grade Level Math Science Social studies Language Arts Total Number of Teachers 6 4 2 2 4 12 7 3 2 2 4 11 8 3 2 2 4 11 From the table, it is deduced that there are more teachers in the Grade 6 level with 35% or 12 out of 34 respondents in that grade level. Overall, there are a total of 34 teachers who responded on the survey aiming to investigate the impacts of teacher collaboration vis-a-vis non-collaboration on student academic achievement. Table 2 Re sults indicating Respondents View on the Variables of Informal Conversation, One-on-One Assistance, Routine Sharing, Routine Team and Joint Work Per Subject Math Science Social Studies Lg. ... 6 disagree Joint Work 10 agree 6 agree 3 agree 3 strongly disagree 6 agree 6 disagree The respondents’ view of the five variables indicated in the table would determine their perceived importance to thereby manifest the extent of teacher collaboration, by favoring its relevance or not. Those who strongly agreed perceived these variables as of utmost importance, in contrast to those who disagreed. From the table above, the results are summarized below: Informal Conversation: Out of 34 respondents, 6 or 18% strongly agreed; 65% agreed, while also 18% disagreed. It can be deduced that majority are in favor of informal conversation increasing teacher collaboration. One-on-One Assistance: From the total respondents, majority or 53% disagreed versus 47% who agreed that one-on-one assistance is a variable that increased teacher collaboration. Routine Sharing of Materials, Methods, Ideas: A total of 88%, or 30 teachers agreed that routine sharing of materials, methods and ideas are ef fective means to increase teacher collaboration. Only 4 respondents or 12% disagreed. Routine Team Analyzing Data: From among those who responded, 74% or 25 teachers acknowledged that routine team analyzing data is contributory to teacher collaboration. Joint work: Finally, a parallel percentage of respondents viewed joint effort as crucial to teacher collaboration where 74% agreed (6 of whom strongly agreed) and the rest of the 26% disagreed. On a per subject basis, the following results are hereby presented: Math: The total number of respondents who agreed that all the variables are crucial to manifest teacher collaboration for the subject of Math is 46 out of 48 (where only 2 disagreed). The results indicate the acknowledgement of Math teachers requiring collaborative efforts manifested

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Poverty in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Poverty in America - Essay Example In addition to the system, racial discrimination has always played a major role in determining individuals allowed to hold a certain value of property. This has affected the economic state of certain races, as they are unable to have equal opportunities as other fellow citizens. However, it is worth mentioning that this has recently taken a different shift, as all races are now being embraced by the state. The ethical issue involved is that the system favors the economically strong personalities in the US community, yet the country strives for evenness among citizens (Davis, 1991). It is extremely unethical for the system to support the wealthy, yet the ones (poor) who need the support most are denied. If such a situation continues, the country would face serious consequences. The country may end up being divided into two, the poor and the wealthy (Gordon, 1965). This may eventually cause unrests and maybe war in the quest to achieve fairness. The most workable solution to the situation faced by the US is by adopting a different type of economical and social system (Iceland, 2006). The country should adopt a system that would treat both the poor and wealthy as equal. Moral principles encourage the treatment of every individual as equal. However, this is the opposite in the economic system adopted by the US (Iceland, 2012). The country’s economic system tends to lean in favor of the rich thus making the poorer and thus an unequal member of the society. 1. The existence of poverty in the US clearly depicts how the country’s socioeconomic system is unjust. The capitalistic system has made the richer acquire more wealth and left the poor languish more in a dire situation (Kowalski, 2003). Moreover, the unjust social situation of discriminating races has also tremendously contributed to the poverty situation experienced in the US. 2. It is undoubtedly evident that various reasons contribute to the poor economic state of some citizens in the United States.