Monday, December 30, 2019

The Link Between Animal Abuse and Domestic Violence - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1760 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/04/07 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Domestic Violence Essay Did you like this example? Introduction In 2017, 90% of the 1,873 domestic violence programs in the United States contributed to a survey conducted by the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV). In this particular survey, NNEDV collected data over a 24-hour period from the participating organizations on September 17th of that year, compiling together the number and types of calls they received. The study found that over 72,000 victims in the United States were served in a single day (NNEDV, 2017). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Link Between Animal Abuse and Domestic Violence" essay for you Create order Coupled with this information is the fact that in a study verified by the United States Humane Society, upwards of 71% of domestic violence victims stated that their abuser lashed out at pets as well (The Humane Society, 2017). Considering that animal cruelty and domestic violence are pressing issues that are often intertwined with one another, there are a few observable links that exist between the two. Some of these links include having the low activity variant of the MAOA gene, childhood trauma, heightened levels of testosterone, and exposure to societal pressures (I.e. toxic masculinity). In this paper, these links will be analyzed, and their likelihood as being potential indicators for physical violence and cruelty will be determined. Given the fact that so many cases of domestic violence and animal cruelty go unreported every year, this paper will also establish how these links may manifest in public spaces, and how potential signs of abuse/cruelty can be reported. Link #1: MAOA-L The MAOA gene, colloquially referred to as the Warrior gene, is responsible for breaking down neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin. Dopamine is responsible for motor-function and releasing feel-good chemicals, while serotonin plays a role in regulating mood, sleep, and emotions. In individuals that have the low-activity variant of the MAOA gene (MAOA-L), heightened aggression and impulsiveness have been observed (Cohen, 2018). This is due to the fact that MAOA-L does not break down dopamine and serotonin as efficiently as it should. This inefficiency results in the neurotransmitters not being broken as quickly, resulting in irregularities in dopamine and serotonin levels that lead to the previously stated symptoms. That is not to say that everyone with the low-activity variant of the MAOA gene is prone to committing acts of violence, however. In a study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), it is stated that approximately 40% of the worlds population has the MAOA-L variant of the gene (Hunter, 2010). Although possessing this variant of the gene does not necessarily indicate that one will commit an act of violence, the presence of MAOA-L increases ones likelihood to commit a violent act. Keeping this in mind, many have turned to using behavioral genetics in recent years to explain why a spouse may lash out against their partner, or commit an act of violence against an animal. In states such as Michigan, however, domestic violence and abuse are not recognized as a sufficient defense, so the application of this type of science in a courtroom setting is minimal at this point in time. Because MAOA-L results in irregularities in the production of serotonin and dopamine in ones body, this leads to blind aggression. If someone with MAOA-L is provoked, they will typically lash out on what provoked them in a verbal or physical manner. This implies that this particular link between domestic violence and animal abuse is not necessarily causal, as the associated gene is largely blind to particular instances due to the fact that aggression spurred by MAOA-L is mostly impulsive. Link #2: Childhood Trauma Another link between domestic violence and animal abuse can be observed through individuals that have suffered childhood trauma. Due to the fact that people often experience a tremendous amount of neurological development during their adolescence, particularly traumatic events may lead to inhibited growth of the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for executive functions that control impulsiveness, rationale, and aggression (Prefrontal Cortex, 2015). For children that have experienced childhood trauma that also codes for the low activity variant of the MAOA gene, their likelihood to commit an act of domestic violence or abuse animals raises even more. If ones amygdala and prefrontal cortex are stunted/damaged, this has been shown to interfere with ones ability to make rational decisions and reign in their emotions. With an inadequate dispersal and production of dopamine and serotonin as a result of MAOA-L, this would intensify ones emotional instability. A study published by NCBI pointed to a lack of nurture on behalf of parents may also lead to developmental disorders down the line such as Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder (Petersen, 2014). Oppositional Defiant Disorder is the tendency to defy authority figures. This could include police, teachers, and parents. Conduct Disorder, on the other hand, is often categorized as a disorder wherein someone will not abide by conventional social norms, and instead express regressive behavioral patterns. What is peculiar about these two disorders is the fact that they are both diagnosed during adolescence, and presumably influenced by genetic and environmental factors. In analyzing CD and ODD, antisocial and disobedient tendencies have been observed at much higher rates in criminals that have committed physically violent acts such as murder, rape, and domestic abuse. (Febres, 2014) Perhaps the most prominent link between animal abuse and domestic violence as it pertains to childhood trauma has been through the act of committing animal abuse during ones adolescence. In studies with criminals that have been found to have caused unnecessary pain and/or death to animals while they were children, it was found that they were more likely to carry those acts of violence into adulthood. It was also found that many offenders would commit acts against people that were similar to acts they committed against animals. This points to the fact that animal abuse may in some ways condition offenders to commit violence against their spouse, or other individuals that may set them off (Febres, 2014). Link #3: Hormonal Aspects of Violence Testosterone is the sex hormone found in males that is responsible for developing secondary sex characteristics (body hair, muscle growth) and the male reproductive system (scrotum, prostate, testes, etc.). While development is testosterones primary function, there are some additional effects, particularly as it pertains to mood. Testosterone is an anabolic steroid. Like other identified anabolic steroids, testosterone leads to increased activity in the amygdala, which is responsible for emotionally driven responses and actions. Because there is increased activity in the amygdala, this redirects most neural communication away from the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for rational decision making, leading to heightened levels of aggression and a shorter temper (Pinto, 2010). In a study researching the biological correlates of intimate partner violence perpetration, it was corroborated that testosterone does, in fact, lead to heightened levels of marital aggression, as well as an increased risk in committing intimate partner violence. While it has been found that testosterone does indeed result in heightened levels of aggression, it has also been found that it may be mediating as it pertains to the quality of ones marriage. Despite this conflicting finding, it has also been found that people are more likely to file for divorce as well (Pinto, 2010). Much like the previously established links, the correlation between animal abuse and domestic violence is aggregated through aggression and rage. In a study published by American Humane, it was stated that 71% of women seeking shelter from an abusive partner stated that their partner threatened to kill, harm, or maim their pets. As this study looking into domestic partnerships between men and women, a likely inference can be drawn that these abusive partners in fact had heightened levels of testosterone, given their overtly aggressive tendencies (Understanding the Link Between Animal Abuse and Family Violence, 2016) Link #4: Societal Aspects of Violence, and Toxic Masculinity So far, three links have been established between animal abuse and domestic violence that have largely been based on behavioral genetics. One additional link between these two acts can be drawn not through genetics, but environmental factors. The most prominent among these is the idea of toxic masculinity, and the cycle of socialization. The principal idea of the cycle of socialization is that from birth, one is socialized by their environment, and bombarded with messages that reinforce particular ideologies. This includes gender norms, religious beliefs, and specific behavioral patterns. This pattern of socialization in the most extreme of circumstances may lead to someones upbringing having a negative effect on their temperament and reactions to certain individuals. Toxic masculinity, referred to as hegemonic masculinity in the field of gender studies, is one trait that may be acquired through socialization. The core tenet of hegemonic masculinity is Manifestation of Links in Public Spaces. Conclusion At the root of all of the links between animal abuse and domestic violence that have been observed in this paper lies aggression, neurological anomalies, and errors associated with cell communication and/or signaling. All of these signs and symptoms, while not 100% indicative of the likelihood of one to commit an act of violence or animal cruelty, do in fact point to an increased likelihood of doing so. From the data compiled above, the most likely offenders are going to be males with high levels of testosterone that have the low activity variant of MAOA, who have also experienced stunted growth of their prefrontal cortex as a result of childhood trauma. At the end of the day, however, anyone is capable of committing acts of violence. It is for this reason why the behavioral genetics that points to the increased likelihood of committing acts of violence should be noted, but not used as definitive evidence to apprehend or besmirch someone. Since behavioral genetics is a relatively new field that is constantly experiencing brand new developments, the science behind why people commit acts of domestic violence and animal abuse is not entirely clear. While researchers have published papers on apparent links between the two, as well as reasons why people may commit overt acts of aggression during their adolescence and adulthood, all of the factors associated with it have not been properly identified. This can be observed through the fact that not all perpetrators of domestic violence and animal abuse are men with MAOA-L, heightened levels of testosterone, and victims of childhood trauma. This indicates one of two things: There is a common factor that has not yet been identified or each of the identified factors that boost the likelihood of committing a violent act are not necessarily intertwined. Because of the current ambiguity surrounding the topics of domestic violence and animal abuse and their linkage as it pertains to behavioral genetics and environmental factors, research of this topic is far from conclusive.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Analysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved - 871 Words

Any mother could say that their most redeeming quality is their children. Often, children save their mother’s emotionally, spiritually, and even physically. This facet of motherhood is a very important motif in both Morrison and Faulkner’s stories. In Beloved, the reader is presented with a sad and depressed portrait of Sethe. Her life seems dark and bleak. However, once Beloved enters into her life, the reader sees an apparent shift in Sethe as a character. She begins to see color again, and it is Beloved who brings about this sudden transformation (Beloved, 65). And in the end, after Beloved has left, Sethe states, â€Å"She was my best thing† (321). Beloved was her redeeming quality, her best thing. Similarly, Addie tells Cora that Jewel will be her salvation. â€Å"He is my cross and he will be my salvation. He will save me from the water and from the fire. Even though I have laid down my life, he will save me† (As I Lay Dying, 168). As I Lay Dying bui lds upon this motif of salvation that the reader sees in this scene. In both novels, the children play the role of the mothers’ saving grace. The color change, signifying Sethe’s transformation, helps the reader understand what Addie means when she states that Jewel will be her salvation. Through color, the reader sees Beloved save her mother, as she transforms her mother’s bleak world into one of exponential love and joy. Likewise, Jewel’s transformation into a man saves Addie because she finds contentment in knowing that her childShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Morrison s Beloved, By Toni Morrison Essay941 Words   |  4 PagesMorrison and Twain each present freed slave mothers as self-sacrificing. Each woman s traumatic experiences as slaves create a deep fear of her children s enslavement. In Morrison s Beloved, Sethe is so distressed by her past; she murders her child to save her from slavery. Morrison uses Sethe s drastic sacrifice to comment on slav ery s psychological effects. Meanwhile, Twain s Pudd n Head Wilson portrays Roxy as a sacrificial mother to create sympathy for black people. From a culturalRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved1458 Words   |  6 Pagesinequality between races, classes, and genders. Toni Morrison’s novel Beloved is a story that truly shows how oppressive slavery was during the setting of the book. Similarly to the inequality faced during the time of slavery, while Morrison was writing the her novel the issue of women’s equality was present, and being fought for. Morrison, through Beloved, is able to show the world her views on inequality, and how it is still present in life today. Morrison is African American, she was born into a familyRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved1615 Words   |  7 PagesIn her novel Beloved, Toni Morrison utilizes a circular narrative to emphasize the similarities, or lack thereof, between her characters. 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The cruelty inflicted on one including but not limited to slavery causes a chain reaction of hatred, pain and suffering and theRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved943 Words   |  4 Pages It is within human nature to fear that which we do not understand. In Toni Morrison’s Beloved, this idea is explored through the lens of racial discrimination. In this passage, Morrison uses animal imagery as a means to criticize the whites’ dehumanization and subsequent fear of the blacks. With a focus on this inherent, primal fear, this section stresses the novel’s theme of the â€Å"Other† and reinforces the existence of racial prejudice. While this piece of the narrative emphasizes that this â€Å"othering†Read MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved1547 Words   |  7 PagesToni Morrison’s Beloved extends beyond a description of individuals held captive by their past through the exploration of human responses to slavery. 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One of the lens that doesn’t get discussed enough is the lens of African AmericanRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved1200 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"We’ve all got both light and dark inside of us. What matters is the part we choose to act on (Sirius Black) †. Toni Morrison’s novel Beloved dedicates her novel to the 60 million and more exposed to the darkness within the people set out to hurt the m. The novel depicts how cruelty leads ex-slaves to make irrational decisions and shape the people they are at the end . The cruelty inflicted on one including but not limited to slavery causes a chain reaction of hatred, pain and suffering and the cycleRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved 702 Words   |  3 PagesWilliams 2 period Book by: Toni Morrison Book Titled: Beloved Beloved is about a lady they call Sethe who lives in Bluestone with her daughter Denver and her mother in law Baby Suggs. Fifteen years before the story starts, Sethe kills her baby because she was trying to keep her kids from being brought into slavery. The community knew about her killing her baby and judges her. Her sons Buglar and Howard left fifth teen years before the book started. After Baby Sugg s died, Denver and Sethe are aloneRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved 1310 Words   |  6 Pages Mommy Issues: A â€Å"Beloved† Response Essay Late in 1987, after being inspired by a fellow story of a female fugitive slave, Toni Morrison pens a novel about a runaway slave and her children. Although Morrison’s â€Å"Beloved† quickly became a best-seller, and even has a movie adaption, it still left the audience with many unanswered questions. This novel not only gave a voice to those who were often silenced in the male stories of slavery, but it also perfectly exemplified the relationship was between

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Project Repote on Lakme Free Essays

Details of planning, organising, staffing and directing functions. In this chapter we shall learn the details of coordinating and controlling functions. You know that the various business activities of an organisation are grouped and carried out by different departments and within each department there is division and sub-division. We will write a custom essay sample on Project Repote on Lakme or any similar topic only for you Order Now In order to achieve the organisational goals effectively, there is need to ensure that activities of such divisions, sub-divisions and departments are harmonised and duly monitored so that the performance of the organisation conforms to the plans and the prescribed time schedule. This is achieved through proper coordination and control of the activities of all groups. Let us now learn about the concepts of coordination and control and the various steps involved in the control259 Notes MODULE -3 Business Management 14 CO-ORDINATION AND CONTROLLING You have learnt about the various functions of management and gone through the details of planning, organising, staffing and directing functions. In this chapter we shall learn the details of coordinating and controlling functions. You know that the various business activities of an organisation are grouped and carried out by different departments and within each department there is division and sub-division. In order to achieve the organisational goals effectively, there is need to ensure that activities of such divisions, sub-divisions and departments are harmonised and duly monitored so that the performance of the organisation conforms to the plans and the prescribed time schedule. This is achieved through proper coordination and control of the activities of all groups. Let us now learn about the concepts of coordination and control and the various steps involved in the control process. OBJECTIVES After studying this lesson, you will be able to: explain the meaning and significance of coordination; explain the meaning of control; describe the characteristics of control and the importance of controlling; and identify the steps involved in the process of control. 14. 1 MEANING OF CO-ORDINATION In every organisation, different types of work are performed by various groups and no How to cite Project Repote on Lakme, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Sam adams Essay Example For Students

Sam adams Essay Samuel Adams: From the National Statuary Hall Collection at the U.S. CapitolAmong those who signed the Declaration of Independence, and were conspicuous in the revolution, there existed, of course, a great diversity of intellectual endowments; nor did all render to their country, in those perilous days, the same important services. Like the luminaries of heavens each contributed his portion of influence; but, like them, they differed, as star differeth from star in glory. But in the constellation of great men, which adorned that era, few shone with more brilliancy, or exercised a more powerful influence than Samuel Adams. This gentleman was born at Quincy, in Massachusetts, September 22d, 1722, in the neighbourhood afterwards rendered memorable as the birth place of Hancock, and as the residence of the distinguished family which has given two presidents to the United States. His descent was from a respectable family, which emigrated to America with the first settlers of the land. In the year 1736, he became a member of Harvard University, where he was distinguished for an uncommon attention to all his collegiate exercises, and for his classical and scientific attainments. On taking the degree of master, in 1743, he proposed the following question, Whether it be lawful to resist the supreme magistrate, if the commonwealth cannot be otherwise preserved? He maintained the affirmative; and in this collegiate exercise furnished no dubious evidence of his attachment to the liberties of the people. On leaving the university, he began the study of law, for which profession his father designed him; but at the solicitation of his mother, this pursuit was relinquished, and he became a clerk in the counting house of Thomas Cushing, at that time a distinguished merchant. But his genius was not adapted to mercantile pursuits; and in a short time after commencing business for himself, partly owing to the failure in business of a friend, and partly to injudicious management , he lost the entire capital which had been given him by his father. The genius of Adams was naturally bent on politics. It was with him an all engrossing subject. From his earliest youth, he had felt its inspiration. It occupied his thoughts, enlivened his conversation, and employed his pen. In respect to his private business, this was an unfortunate trait of character; but most fortunate for his country, since he thus acquired an extensive knowledge of those principles of national liberty, which he afterwards asserted with so much energy, in opposition to the arbitrary conduct of the British government. In 1763 it was announced, that the British ministry had it in view to tax the colonies, for the purpose of raising a revenue, which was to be placed at the disposal of the crown. This news filled the colonies with alarm. In Massachusetts, a committee was appointed by the people of Boston to express the public sentiment in relation to this contemplated measure, for the guidance of the representatives to the general court. The instructions of this committee were drawn by Mr. Adams. They formed, in truth, a powerful remonstrance against the injustice of the contemplated system of taxation; and they merit the more particular notice, as they were the first recorded public document, which denied the right of taxation to the British parliament. They also contained the first suggestion of the propriety of that mutual understanding and correspondence among the colonies, which laid the foundation of their future confederacy. Ill these instructions, after alluding to the evils which had resulted from the acts of the British parliament, relating to trade, Mr. Adams observes: If our trade may be taxed, why not our lands? Why not the produce of our lands, and every thing we possess, or use? This we conceive annihilates our charter rights to govern and tax ourselves. It strikes at our British privileges, which, as we have never forfeited, we hold in common with our fellow subjects, who are natives of Britain. If tastes are laid upon us in any shape, without our having a legal representation, where they are laid, we are reduced from the character of free subjects, to the state of tributary slaves. .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c , .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c .postImageUrl , .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c , .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c:hover , .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c:visited , .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c:active { border:0!important; } .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c:active , .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Walmart Essay We, therefore, earnestly recommend it to you, to use your