Monday, December 30, 2019

The Link Between Animal Abuse and Domestic Violence - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1760 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/04/07 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Domestic Violence Essay Did you like this example? Introduction In 2017, 90% of the 1,873 domestic violence programs in the United States contributed to a survey conducted by the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV). In this particular survey, NNEDV collected data over a 24-hour period from the participating organizations on September 17th of that year, compiling together the number and types of calls they received. The study found that over 72,000 victims in the United States were served in a single day (NNEDV, 2017). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Link Between Animal Abuse and Domestic Violence" essay for you Create order Coupled with this information is the fact that in a study verified by the United States Humane Society, upwards of 71% of domestic violence victims stated that their abuser lashed out at pets as well (The Humane Society, 2017). Considering that animal cruelty and domestic violence are pressing issues that are often intertwined with one another, there are a few observable links that exist between the two. Some of these links include having the low activity variant of the MAOA gene, childhood trauma, heightened levels of testosterone, and exposure to societal pressures (I.e. toxic masculinity). In this paper, these links will be analyzed, and their likelihood as being potential indicators for physical violence and cruelty will be determined. Given the fact that so many cases of domestic violence and animal cruelty go unreported every year, this paper will also establish how these links may manifest in public spaces, and how potential signs of abuse/cruelty can be reported. Link #1: MAOA-L The MAOA gene, colloquially referred to as the Warrior gene, is responsible for breaking down neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin. Dopamine is responsible for motor-function and releasing feel-good chemicals, while serotonin plays a role in regulating mood, sleep, and emotions. In individuals that have the low-activity variant of the MAOA gene (MAOA-L), heightened aggression and impulsiveness have been observed (Cohen, 2018). This is due to the fact that MAOA-L does not break down dopamine and serotonin as efficiently as it should. This inefficiency results in the neurotransmitters not being broken as quickly, resulting in irregularities in dopamine and serotonin levels that lead to the previously stated symptoms. That is not to say that everyone with the low-activity variant of the MAOA gene is prone to committing acts of violence, however. In a study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), it is stated that approximately 40% of the worlds population has the MAOA-L variant of the gene (Hunter, 2010). Although possessing this variant of the gene does not necessarily indicate that one will commit an act of violence, the presence of MAOA-L increases ones likelihood to commit a violent act. Keeping this in mind, many have turned to using behavioral genetics in recent years to explain why a spouse may lash out against their partner, or commit an act of violence against an animal. In states such as Michigan, however, domestic violence and abuse are not recognized as a sufficient defense, so the application of this type of science in a courtroom setting is minimal at this point in time. Because MAOA-L results in irregularities in the production of serotonin and dopamine in ones body, this leads to blind aggression. If someone with MAOA-L is provoked, they will typically lash out on what provoked them in a verbal or physical manner. This implies that this particular link between domestic violence and animal abuse is not necessarily causal, as the associated gene is largely blind to particular instances due to the fact that aggression spurred by MAOA-L is mostly impulsive. Link #2: Childhood Trauma Another link between domestic violence and animal abuse can be observed through individuals that have suffered childhood trauma. Due to the fact that people often experience a tremendous amount of neurological development during their adolescence, particularly traumatic events may lead to inhibited growth of the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for executive functions that control impulsiveness, rationale, and aggression (Prefrontal Cortex, 2015). For children that have experienced childhood trauma that also codes for the low activity variant of the MAOA gene, their likelihood to commit an act of domestic violence or abuse animals raises even more. If ones amygdala and prefrontal cortex are stunted/damaged, this has been shown to interfere with ones ability to make rational decisions and reign in their emotions. With an inadequate dispersal and production of dopamine and serotonin as a result of MAOA-L, this would intensify ones emotional instability. A study published by NCBI pointed to a lack of nurture on behalf of parents may also lead to developmental disorders down the line such as Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder (Petersen, 2014). Oppositional Defiant Disorder is the tendency to defy authority figures. This could include police, teachers, and parents. Conduct Disorder, on the other hand, is often categorized as a disorder wherein someone will not abide by conventional social norms, and instead express regressive behavioral patterns. What is peculiar about these two disorders is the fact that they are both diagnosed during adolescence, and presumably influenced by genetic and environmental factors. In analyzing CD and ODD, antisocial and disobedient tendencies have been observed at much higher rates in criminals that have committed physically violent acts such as murder, rape, and domestic abuse. (Febres, 2014) Perhaps the most prominent link between animal abuse and domestic violence as it pertains to childhood trauma has been through the act of committing animal abuse during ones adolescence. In studies with criminals that have been found to have caused unnecessary pain and/or death to animals while they were children, it was found that they were more likely to carry those acts of violence into adulthood. It was also found that many offenders would commit acts against people that were similar to acts they committed against animals. This points to the fact that animal abuse may in some ways condition offenders to commit violence against their spouse, or other individuals that may set them off (Febres, 2014). Link #3: Hormonal Aspects of Violence Testosterone is the sex hormone found in males that is responsible for developing secondary sex characteristics (body hair, muscle growth) and the male reproductive system (scrotum, prostate, testes, etc.). While development is testosterones primary function, there are some additional effects, particularly as it pertains to mood. Testosterone is an anabolic steroid. Like other identified anabolic steroids, testosterone leads to increased activity in the amygdala, which is responsible for emotionally driven responses and actions. Because there is increased activity in the amygdala, this redirects most neural communication away from the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for rational decision making, leading to heightened levels of aggression and a shorter temper (Pinto, 2010). In a study researching the biological correlates of intimate partner violence perpetration, it was corroborated that testosterone does, in fact, lead to heightened levels of marital aggression, as well as an increased risk in committing intimate partner violence. While it has been found that testosterone does indeed result in heightened levels of aggression, it has also been found that it may be mediating as it pertains to the quality of ones marriage. Despite this conflicting finding, it has also been found that people are more likely to file for divorce as well (Pinto, 2010). Much like the previously established links, the correlation between animal abuse and domestic violence is aggregated through aggression and rage. In a study published by American Humane, it was stated that 71% of women seeking shelter from an abusive partner stated that their partner threatened to kill, harm, or maim their pets. As this study looking into domestic partnerships between men and women, a likely inference can be drawn that these abusive partners in fact had heightened levels of testosterone, given their overtly aggressive tendencies (Understanding the Link Between Animal Abuse and Family Violence, 2016) Link #4: Societal Aspects of Violence, and Toxic Masculinity So far, three links have been established between animal abuse and domestic violence that have largely been based on behavioral genetics. One additional link between these two acts can be drawn not through genetics, but environmental factors. The most prominent among these is the idea of toxic masculinity, and the cycle of socialization. The principal idea of the cycle of socialization is that from birth, one is socialized by their environment, and bombarded with messages that reinforce particular ideologies. This includes gender norms, religious beliefs, and specific behavioral patterns. This pattern of socialization in the most extreme of circumstances may lead to someones upbringing having a negative effect on their temperament and reactions to certain individuals. Toxic masculinity, referred to as hegemonic masculinity in the field of gender studies, is one trait that may be acquired through socialization. The core tenet of hegemonic masculinity is Manifestation of Links in Public Spaces. Conclusion At the root of all of the links between animal abuse and domestic violence that have been observed in this paper lies aggression, neurological anomalies, and errors associated with cell communication and/or signaling. All of these signs and symptoms, while not 100% indicative of the likelihood of one to commit an act of violence or animal cruelty, do in fact point to an increased likelihood of doing so. From the data compiled above, the most likely offenders are going to be males with high levels of testosterone that have the low activity variant of MAOA, who have also experienced stunted growth of their prefrontal cortex as a result of childhood trauma. At the end of the day, however, anyone is capable of committing acts of violence. It is for this reason why the behavioral genetics that points to the increased likelihood of committing acts of violence should be noted, but not used as definitive evidence to apprehend or besmirch someone. Since behavioral genetics is a relatively new field that is constantly experiencing brand new developments, the science behind why people commit acts of domestic violence and animal abuse is not entirely clear. While researchers have published papers on apparent links between the two, as well as reasons why people may commit overt acts of aggression during their adolescence and adulthood, all of the factors associated with it have not been properly identified. This can be observed through the fact that not all perpetrators of domestic violence and animal abuse are men with MAOA-L, heightened levels of testosterone, and victims of childhood trauma. This indicates one of two things: There is a common factor that has not yet been identified or each of the identified factors that boost the likelihood of committing a violent act are not necessarily intertwined. Because of the current ambiguity surrounding the topics of domestic violence and animal abuse and their linkage as it pertains to behavioral genetics and environmental factors, research of this topic is far from conclusive.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Analysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved - 871 Words

Any mother could say that their most redeeming quality is their children. Often, children save their mother’s emotionally, spiritually, and even physically. This facet of motherhood is a very important motif in both Morrison and Faulkner’s stories. In Beloved, the reader is presented with a sad and depressed portrait of Sethe. Her life seems dark and bleak. However, once Beloved enters into her life, the reader sees an apparent shift in Sethe as a character. She begins to see color again, and it is Beloved who brings about this sudden transformation (Beloved, 65). And in the end, after Beloved has left, Sethe states, â€Å"She was my best thing† (321). Beloved was her redeeming quality, her best thing. Similarly, Addie tells Cora that Jewel will be her salvation. â€Å"He is my cross and he will be my salvation. He will save me from the water and from the fire. Even though I have laid down my life, he will save me† (As I Lay Dying, 168). As I Lay Dying bui lds upon this motif of salvation that the reader sees in this scene. In both novels, the children play the role of the mothers’ saving grace. The color change, signifying Sethe’s transformation, helps the reader understand what Addie means when she states that Jewel will be her salvation. Through color, the reader sees Beloved save her mother, as she transforms her mother’s bleak world into one of exponential love and joy. Likewise, Jewel’s transformation into a man saves Addie because she finds contentment in knowing that her childShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Morrison s Beloved, By Toni Morrison Essay941 Words   |  4 PagesMorrison and Twain each present freed slave mothers as self-sacrificing. Each woman s traumatic experiences as slaves create a deep fear of her children s enslavement. In Morrison s Beloved, Sethe is so distressed by her past; she murders her child to save her from slavery. Morrison uses Sethe s drastic sacrifice to comment on slav ery s psychological effects. Meanwhile, Twain s Pudd n Head Wilson portrays Roxy as a sacrificial mother to create sympathy for black people. From a culturalRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved1458 Words   |  6 Pagesinequality between races, classes, and genders. Toni Morrison’s novel Beloved is a story that truly shows how oppressive slavery was during the setting of the book. Similarly to the inequality faced during the time of slavery, while Morrison was writing the her novel the issue of women’s equality was present, and being fought for. Morrison, through Beloved, is able to show the world her views on inequality, and how it is still present in life today. Morrison is African American, she was born into a familyRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved1615 Words   |  7 PagesIn her novel Beloved, Toni Morrison utilizes a circular narrative to emphasize the similarities, or lack thereof, between her characters. In Philip Page’s article, â€Å"Circularity in Toni Morrison’s Beloved,† he writes, â€Å"The plot is developed through repetition and variation of one or more core-images in overlapping waves... And it is developed through... the spiraling reiteration of larger, mythical acts such as birth, death, rebirth, quest-journeys, and the formation and disintegration of families†Read MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved1200 Words   |  5 Pages â€Å"We’ve all got both light and dark inside of us. What matters is the part we choose to act on (Sirius Black) †. Toni Morrison’s novel Beloved dedicates her novel to the 60 million and more exposed to the darkness within the people set out to hurt them. The novel depicts how cruelty leads ex-slaves to make irrational decisions and shape the people they are at the end . The cruelty inflicted on one including but not limited to slavery causes a chain reaction of hatred, pain and suffering and theRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved943 Words   |  4 Pages It is within human nature to fear that which we do not understand. In Toni Morrison’s Beloved, this idea is explored through the lens of racial discrimination. In this passage, Morrison uses animal imagery as a means to criticize the whites’ dehumanization and subsequent fear of the blacks. With a focus on this inherent, primal fear, this section stresses the novel’s theme of the â€Å"Other† and reinforces the existence of racial prejudice. While this piece of the narrative emphasizes that this â€Å"othering†Read MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved1547 Words   |  7 PagesToni Morrison’s Beloved extends beyond a description of individuals held captive by their past through the exploration of human responses to slavery. The manipulation of language and its controlled absence reinforces the mental enslavement that persists after individuals are freed from physical bondage. It is when language is amplified into song that an individual or community may free themselves from the constraints of mental enslavement, therefore enabling their ability to claim ownership of themselvesRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved1323 Words   |  6 PagesToni Morrison’s Beloved is a masterwork of fiction that allows the reader to have many different experiences based on the novels that you pair the book with. When you read Beloved in a modernist light you get a story with slightly different themes then if you read it through a feminist lens. It is a credit to Morrison that her thoughtfully crafted piece of art is able to stand on it own in so many varying ideas. One of the lens that doesn’t get discussed enough is the lens of African AmericanRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved1200 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"We’ve all got both light and dark inside of us. What matters is the part we choose to act on (Sirius Black) †. Toni Morrison’s novel Beloved dedicates her novel to the 60 million and more exposed to the darkness within the people set out to hurt the m. The novel depicts how cruelty leads ex-slaves to make irrational decisions and shape the people they are at the end . The cruelty inflicted on one including but not limited to slavery causes a chain reaction of hatred, pain and suffering and the cycleRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved 702 Words   |  3 PagesWilliams 2 period Book by: Toni Morrison Book Titled: Beloved Beloved is about a lady they call Sethe who lives in Bluestone with her daughter Denver and her mother in law Baby Suggs. Fifteen years before the story starts, Sethe kills her baby because she was trying to keep her kids from being brought into slavery. The community knew about her killing her baby and judges her. Her sons Buglar and Howard left fifth teen years before the book started. After Baby Sugg s died, Denver and Sethe are aloneRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved 1310 Words   |  6 Pages Mommy Issues: A â€Å"Beloved† Response Essay Late in 1987, after being inspired by a fellow story of a female fugitive slave, Toni Morrison pens a novel about a runaway slave and her children. Although Morrison’s â€Å"Beloved† quickly became a best-seller, and even has a movie adaption, it still left the audience with many unanswered questions. This novel not only gave a voice to those who were often silenced in the male stories of slavery, but it also perfectly exemplified the relationship was between

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Project Repote on Lakme Free Essays

Details of planning, organising, staffing and directing functions. In this chapter we shall learn the details of coordinating and controlling functions. You know that the various business activities of an organisation are grouped and carried out by different departments and within each department there is division and sub-division. We will write a custom essay sample on Project Repote on Lakme or any similar topic only for you Order Now In order to achieve the organisational goals effectively, there is need to ensure that activities of such divisions, sub-divisions and departments are harmonised and duly monitored so that the performance of the organisation conforms to the plans and the prescribed time schedule. This is achieved through proper coordination and control of the activities of all groups. Let us now learn about the concepts of coordination and control and the various steps involved in the control259 Notes MODULE -3 Business Management 14 CO-ORDINATION AND CONTROLLING You have learnt about the various functions of management and gone through the details of planning, organising, staffing and directing functions. In this chapter we shall learn the details of coordinating and controlling functions. You know that the various business activities of an organisation are grouped and carried out by different departments and within each department there is division and sub-division. In order to achieve the organisational goals effectively, there is need to ensure that activities of such divisions, sub-divisions and departments are harmonised and duly monitored so that the performance of the organisation conforms to the plans and the prescribed time schedule. This is achieved through proper coordination and control of the activities of all groups. Let us now learn about the concepts of coordination and control and the various steps involved in the control process. OBJECTIVES After studying this lesson, you will be able to: explain the meaning and significance of coordination; explain the meaning of control; describe the characteristics of control and the importance of controlling; and identify the steps involved in the process of control. 14. 1 MEANING OF CO-ORDINATION In every organisation, different types of work are performed by various groups and no How to cite Project Repote on Lakme, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Sam adams Essay Example For Students

Sam adams Essay Samuel Adams: From the National Statuary Hall Collection at the U.S. CapitolAmong those who signed the Declaration of Independence, and were conspicuous in the revolution, there existed, of course, a great diversity of intellectual endowments; nor did all render to their country, in those perilous days, the same important services. Like the luminaries of heavens each contributed his portion of influence; but, like them, they differed, as star differeth from star in glory. But in the constellation of great men, which adorned that era, few shone with more brilliancy, or exercised a more powerful influence than Samuel Adams. This gentleman was born at Quincy, in Massachusetts, September 22d, 1722, in the neighbourhood afterwards rendered memorable as the birth place of Hancock, and as the residence of the distinguished family which has given two presidents to the United States. His descent was from a respectable family, which emigrated to America with the first settlers of the land. In the year 1736, he became a member of Harvard University, where he was distinguished for an uncommon attention to all his collegiate exercises, and for his classical and scientific attainments. On taking the degree of master, in 1743, he proposed the following question, Whether it be lawful to resist the supreme magistrate, if the commonwealth cannot be otherwise preserved? He maintained the affirmative; and in this collegiate exercise furnished no dubious evidence of his attachment to the liberties of the people. On leaving the university, he began the study of law, for which profession his father designed him; but at the solicitation of his mother, this pursuit was relinquished, and he became a clerk in the counting house of Thomas Cushing, at that time a distinguished merchant. But his genius was not adapted to mercantile pursuits; and in a short time after commencing business for himself, partly owing to the failure in business of a friend, and partly to injudicious management , he lost the entire capital which had been given him by his father. The genius of Adams was naturally bent on politics. It was with him an all engrossing subject. From his earliest youth, he had felt its inspiration. It occupied his thoughts, enlivened his conversation, and employed his pen. In respect to his private business, this was an unfortunate trait of character; but most fortunate for his country, since he thus acquired an extensive knowledge of those principles of national liberty, which he afterwards asserted with so much energy, in opposition to the arbitrary conduct of the British government. In 1763 it was announced, that the British ministry had it in view to tax the colonies, for the purpose of raising a revenue, which was to be placed at the disposal of the crown. This news filled the colonies with alarm. In Massachusetts, a committee was appointed by the people of Boston to express the public sentiment in relation to this contemplated measure, for the guidance of the representatives to the general court. The instructions of this committee were drawn by Mr. Adams. They formed, in truth, a powerful remonstrance against the injustice of the contemplated system of taxation; and they merit the more particular notice, as they were the first recorded public document, which denied the right of taxation to the British parliament. They also contained the first suggestion of the propriety of that mutual understanding and correspondence among the colonies, which laid the foundation of their future confederacy. Ill these instructions, after alluding to the evils which had resulted from the acts of the British parliament, relating to trade, Mr. Adams observes: If our trade may be taxed, why not our lands? Why not the produce of our lands, and every thing we possess, or use? This we conceive annihilates our charter rights to govern and tax ourselves. It strikes at our British privileges, which, as we have never forfeited, we hold in common with our fellow subjects, who are natives of Britain. If tastes are laid upon us in any shape, without our having a legal representation, where they are laid, we are reduced from the character of free subjects, to the state of tributary slaves. .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c , .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c .postImageUrl , .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c , .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c:hover , .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c:visited , .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c:active { border:0!important; } .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c:active , .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u44e4893f91f8b60118e0e3d7f6b45a4c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Walmart Essay We, therefore, earnestly recommend it to you, to use your

Friday, November 29, 2019

Athlete Classification free essay sample

The fact of the matter is that there is a wide spectrum of different types of athletes that exist in this world and no two athletes are exactly the same. However, each can be put into one of nine general categories that they best fit. General Paton: the athlete who stands out as the captain of the team by helping their fellow teammates and managing their team. They are a well-rounded athlete, fairly skilled at their sport, but more importantly excellent at inspiring their team to perform to the best of their ability. This athlete is the backbone of the team and without them chaos could quite easily break out. The other athletes look up to this leader and follow their orders. When your team is losing, the leader is the one who gets everyone together and says things like â€Å"We can still win this† and â€Å"Don’t give up yet, we’re still in this one†. We will write a custom essay sample on Athlete Classification or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page You can expect to see these athletes to do great things in their sports careers and in their regular lives. Effort King/Queen: the athlete who is known for doing everything they can to improve their game, from staying after practice to do extra to going to the gym every day before practice to workout. They are extremely motivated, determined and dedicated to what they do. These athletes are the ones that coaches very much want to be on their team. These players are known for being highly beneficial not only to the team’s success, but also to the other players around them. They set a great example for others around them and can leave a lasting mark on people. They may be referred to as a â€Å"gym rat†, but don’t think that’d a bad thing because when it comes to game time, don’t be surprised if they outperform the opposing team’s â€Å"star† player. The Natural: the athlete who was given the gift of natural athleticism. They are known as the â€Å"MVP† of their team. Most often, they are three sport athletes who do pretty well in each. They don’t have to work as hard as others to be able to have relative success as they are often naturally strong and talented. Many other people loathe these athletes because they have all the tools they need to succeed. There is no guarantee that these athletes will be good teammates or have good work ethic, but coaches can be assured that these people are a great place to build upon and make a team around. The Anti-athlete: the athlete who was not given much natural ability. They are weak, uncoordinated, and clumsy. They can get by playing some sports, but they have limited options as most sports require decent athletes at a competitive level. They are the â€Å"benchwarmer† of teams, the weak link in the chain. Other athletes get easily frustrated with these players when they make mistakes even though it may not be entirely their fault. Although their athletic output may not be as high as some would like, no one can question their effort and dedication. They play sports not because they are good at them, but because they truly love them, and in some cases, that can bring someone further than natural talent. Timmy/Tina Tries Too Much†: the athlete who â€Å"overworks† and goes beyond what’s necessary in unimportant situations. Everyone has seen at least one of this type of person before, whether they know it or not. The most common place to find these types of people is in gym class. They are the ones that you see coming to every class and trying as hard as they can to win. Many people don’t like these people too much because they exert themselves in unnecessary situations. Many times, these people develop a poor reputation as a â€Å"try hard† among their friends. They may not be the most talented person there, but you can always count on seeing them breaking a sweat. â€Å"Sammy/Susie Suck up†: the athlete who does everything they can to suck up to their coach. They try to get all the brownie points they can in hopes of getting more playing time. They follow all directions given by their coach, they help out whenever possible, and they give full effort when the coach is looking. They are very similar to a teacher’s pet that you would most commonly find in elementary school. Much like the other students find these eacher’s pets to be annoying, a coach’s pet’s teammates often think that these people are annoying and not fun to be around. â€Å"The Tornado†: the athlete who is overly aggressive when playing sports. They are known to push other players around and often get in trouble with the ref. Also, they are a coach’s nightmare as they are hard to control. The athletes aren’t always good to have on a team because they give the team a bad reputation and make it seem as though everyone on the team plays like they do. Also, they are much more prone to being benched and as a consequence, letting the rest of the team down. Many times, other athletes don’t like participating with people like this because these aggressive people take the fun out of competition. .The Crowd Pleaser: the athlete who likes to show off in front of their fans. They wear the flashy equipment, they perform the crazy stunts, and they are the cocky personality in the locker room. To give you a clear picture of this kind of athlete, just imagine the player that has the best gear, the flashiest jersey, performs the â€Å"coolest† moves, and seems to put on a show for their â€Å"fans†. It isn’t uncommon for their teammates to call them a â€Å"show boat† right to their face. But that doesn’t stop them from doing what they do best because they thrive on the attention. Garbage Can: the athlete who throws away their athletic abilities and coasts. They are lazy, unmotivated, and not dedicated at all. They may be one of the best athletes around but they don’t apply their abilities. Everyone knows at least one person who completely wastes the natural talent that was given to them. It’s a shame to see these athletes waste talent when there are other athletes with considerably less talent who work twice as hard. Many people don’t like these athletes because they take their abilities for granted and don’t realize that half of the battle towards being successful in a sport has already been fought for them. All they need to do is put in just the slightest bit of effort and they will start to see considerable success. In most cases, these athletes are looked down on by others and carry a negative connotation with them everywhere they go. There is a lot more to a team’s success than just the wins. The players involved are what really define a team and they ultimately determine how successful a team can be. You don’t always need a team full of superstars to win. This is where many sports coaches go wrong. They think they can build a championship caliber team from a bunch of players that would rather prove they are good than their team. It’s important to remember that it takes the right combination of these nine types of athletes to make the perfect team.

Monday, November 25, 2019

French Long Stay Visa and Residence Permit Application

French Long Stay Visa and Residence Permit Application If youre a United States citizen and want to live in France for an extended period of time, you will need a visa de long sà ©jour (long-stay visa) before you go- France will not let you into the country without it. You will also need a carte de sejour, a residence permit which you complete after you arrive in France. The following is a general overview of the process required by United States citizens to obtain long term residence in France. This information is derived from the exceptional amount of detail in English on the France-Visas website. Processes change and it is essential that you be au courant with the appropriate method, so plan to become familiar with France-Visas. The process is conducted in part online but it is a long one and can take weeks or months, and you may not be accepted the first time out. No matter what, France will not let you into the country without a proper visa, so dont buy your ticket until you have completed all the paperwork and have your visa in hand. Process and Function Basically, the long-stay visa is operationally equivalent to a Schengen visa- the visa used by residents of the 26 European states and members of the European Union that have officially abolished all passport and other border controls at their mutual borders. That means that with the visa you will be able to visit the 26 Schengen countries. There are some restrictions and some exceptions, depending in part on the purpose and length of your stay.   The visa and residence permit application process can vary not only due to different family and work situations but also based on where you apply. Beware of scams and unofficial websites: the official secure France-Visas portal is: The official list of U.S. VFS Global Centre locations- a third party service provider where you will have to go to submit your visa application- is: Do You Need a Long-Stay Visa?   In general, an American holding an ordinary passport who wishes to stay in France for a period between 90 days to a year will need a Visa de Long Sà ©jour acquired in advance. Exceptions include if you (or, if you are a minor, your parent) already hold a French residence permit or are a citizen of a European Union Member State. All visa requests must be entered online at the secure France Visas website- since you will be inputting personal information, be absolutely sure you are at the right website. The French government has created a Visa wizard so that if you have any doubts about whether you need one or not, use that.   Will You Also Need a Residence Permit? There are two types of long term visas: the visa de long sejour (VLS) and the visa de long sà ©jour valant titre de sà ©jour (VLS-TS). The VLS requires that you submit a request for a carte de sà ©jour (residence permit) within two months of your arrival in France; the VLS-TS is a combined visa and residence permit, which you must validate within three months of your arrival. They are both long term visas but they have administrative differences which are assigned to you by the French consulate. Either way, if you wish to stay beyond the one year limit, you must apply for a residence permit at your local prefecture in France. Categories of Long Stay Visas (VLS) There are four categories of long-stay visas, based on your purpose for going. The categories determine what supporting documentation you will require in advance, at the border, and in France, and any restrictions youll need to adhere to- such as whether you can work for pay while you are in the country.   The categories of purposes of a long-term stay are:   Tourism / private stay / hospital care: all of these purposes restrict you from working for pay.  Professional purpose: If you will be in France to work, you will need a professional visa regardless of whether you are an employee of a company, or self-employed. Youll have to describe the type of business you will conduct and, if you are in a profession that requires credentials such as doctors and teachers, you will need to prove that you meet French criteria to conduct that work.  Studies training: This category includes if you will be taking an advanced degree; if you want to learn French while working as a family assistant or an au pair; or if you want your minor child to study in a French school. You or your child may need to be officially enrolled before you go.  Family purpose: Youll need to provide the address, names, and nationality of your relatives in France, what your relationship to them is, and the reason for your stay.   Starting the Visa Process Once you have determined that you do need a visa, you can prepare your application online at the France-Visas portal, regardless of where you live in the United States. The online application form and you will be guided through the whole process by on-screen explanations. In order to save your form and print it out, youll have to create a personal account that includes your email address. Once you have finished, you will receive the list of required supporting documents required to the type of visa you have requested, and have the opportunity to book your appointment. All visas for France are ultimately reviewed by the French counsel in Washington DC, but first, youll have to appear in person at the VFS Global Centre for your region to get it submitted to DC. There are ten Global Centres in the United States- youll need to request an appointment through the France-Visas portal.   Submission Requirements   The specific documents you need will depend on your specific circumstances, but you will need a current passport, two recent identification photos in the  specific International Civil Aviation Organization (ISO/IECI) format, and whatever other documents (originals and a copy) are required because of your situation.   As of June 1, 2019, the legal requirements to successfully submit a visa are:   Your passport must be clean and in good condition, issued no more than 10 years ago, valid three months beyond your intended departure date from the Schengen Area, and with at least two blank pagesThe purpose and conditions of your stayDocuments and visas (if any) required by international conventions, which will depend on the circumstances of your visitProof of accommodation: either a hotel reservation or a form filled out by your hostEvidence of your financial ability to live in France: you must have proof that you can spend â‚ ¬65–120â‚ ¬ per day depending on where you will be housed and no less than â‚ ¬32.50 per day if youre staying with familyApproved insurance for medical and hospital expensesGuarantees of repatriationDocuments (if required) for the exercise of a professional activity2 recent photographs according to strict ISO/IECI specificsYour return ticket or the financial means to acquire one at the end of your stayNon-refundable application fee which is t ypically â‚ ¬99 ISO IEC restrictions on photographs which are acceptable for identification are quite specific. The photos must have been taken within the last six months, they must be about 1.5 inches (35-40 mm) in width. The image must be a closeup of your head and top of your shoulders, not too dark or light, your face must take up 70–80% of the photograph. It must be in sharp focus without shadows, you must be standing in front of a plain background, and the picture must not include another person. Dont wear heavy framed glasses, dont wear a hat- if you wear religious headgear your face must be clearly visible. Look at the camera and you can smile, but your mouth must be closed.  You will need several copies during the process. Submitting Your Application After you have filled out your form, you will be given an opportunity to set up an appointment at the VFS Global Centre for your regionbut you can also do it later. Request your appointment through the France-Visas portal.  Bring all of your original documents to the appointment, as well as at least one photocopy of each. The service provider at VFS will receive you, review your application, collect the visa fee, and capture your biometric data (a photo scanned or taken during your appointment, and ten individually-taken fingerprints). She or he will retain your passport and the copies of all your supporting documents in order to forward them to the consulate. You can track the progress of your application online at the France-Visas site; you will be notified when your documents are ready at the VFS Global Centre you applied at. On Arrival To enter France, you will need to offer the following documentation (at least) to the Border police: valid passport and visaproof of accommodationproof of sufficient financial meansyour return ticket or financial means to acquire oneany document providing details on your profession Unless you obtained a VLS-TS, the visa de long sà ©jour does not give you permission to live in France- it gives you permission to apply for the carte de sà ©jour. If your visa has the words carte de sà ©jour solliciter,† you do need to get a residence permit. Start that process within two months of your arrival, at the prefecture of your place of residence within two months of your arrival. If you live in Paris, you must report your presence to police headquartersif you live in another department, you must report to the prefecture or subprefecture of your department   Validate Your Residence Permit (VLS-TS) If you received a VLS-TS visa, you wont need a carte de sà ©jour, but you must validate it within three months of your arrival. While the process is completely online, you will need to provide the information on your long term stay visa, the date you arrived in France, your residential address in France, and your credit card to pay the required issuance fee or electronic stamp.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Critical Thinking Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical Thinking - Coursework Example Effective leadership needs employment of communication strategies geared towards increased openness, job satisfaction and productivity. Every leader needs to realize that the employees need to have an understanding of what is going on in the company as they also need to plan their work in advance. If the leader fails to include them in the decision making process, they feel isolated and just work puppets which is not motivation enough to increase productivity. Inclusivity leads to ownership and productivity (Walker, 2010). Whenever a decision is made in an organization by the leader and which needs immediate action from the employees without explanation about it, proper prior timeline to accept the project and familiarize themselves with it, it leads to complaints from the employees. By explaining the decision prior to making them or immediately after, the leader lets the employees familiarize themselves with it and accept it. Having regular communication means that the leader should not only be communicating with the staff only when there is a project coming up or due but also when they are idle. It creates rapport with the employees and also sows the seeds of trust (Zwilling, 2015). This keeps the employees at ease and they perform better in an environment that is relaxed than one that is tensed. Constant feedback mean that employees get to relay their problems, worries, disappointments as well as ideas and creations to the leader which are useful in preventing conflicts and increasing productivity. In order for there to be constant feedback, the communication system with the leader must be open and trust be created for the employees to be open and truthful in their feedbacks (Zerfass and Huck, 2007). William is anti-technology in communication which is the new and convenient form of communication with the employees. It not only saves paper and printing ink, but it encourages feedback and constant communication. The technological

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What is SOW Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

What is SOW - Coursework Example This has therefore called for the development of the process that will be involved in the project. This statement of work will therefore outline the objectives that will be followed, the scope of the project and the deliverables of the project. The process of centralizing the scheduling process in ACME Development Corporation is so that it brings efficiency in the management process of the whole process. The purpose of this project is to implement a central scheduling system that will enable the project managers who are located in the various parts of the US working for ADC to schedule projects in uniformly. Currently, the scheduling software is installed in individual machines for each project manager. The corporation therefore spends more resources in installing and managing the scheduling systems for each individual project manager. The project will be guided by the following objectives: This project will entail getting an online scheduling system that will be used by ADC in its operations. There are project managers each using their own scheduling software. There is therefore a need to centralize scheduling. There is the contracting of the tasks. Selecting one contact that fit ACME Development Corporation (ADC) needs would be impossible for this project. The selection the right contract for that task and then integrating the combination of contracts to make one they will meet ADC goal to standardize with one single project-scheduling tool and to have the tool installed and be operational within 90 days. To this end, the company is forming a central project management office (PMO) (Brotherton, Fried, & Norman, 2008).   for this type of work I would engage in a service contract which will specify the specifications of the software in question and the work that needs to be done by the technicians. The fixed price at cost contract would make most sense here. This would evidently come out with the right clauses to ensure that the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Probation and Parole- More Than a Way of Getting Criminals out of Research Paper

Probation and Parole- More Than a Way of Getting Criminals out of Prison - Research Paper Example In recent years there has been a problem in the United States of the prison population rapidly growing, which has been causing financial problems as well as issues with finding the space to incarcerate the criminals . As a consequence, there has been a trend towards probation and parole as methods of getting criminals out of prison earlier and back in society. In addition to reducing prison population, it is thought that this may also help the individuals to successfully rehabilitate into society, reducing their rate of recidivism. Although studies indicate that the success of probation and parole may be limited, the process nevertheless appears to be effective for some individuals, and there are processes that can be undertaken to increase this effectiveness. Prevalence of Probation/Parole Parole and probation are widely used as means of justice, and these are often considered to be community corrections. Probation is part of the sentence that is initially handed from the judge when following a trial. It can occur in addition to or instead of time in prison. Parole occurs when an inmate is conditionally released from prison after serving all or a part of his sentence. In both cases the individual is under a set of conditions, such as they are not allowed t associate with certain individuals, cannot commit crimes or visit certain locations. If the individual breaks these conditions, then they are subject to imprisonment. In many cases the offender’s attendance to these conditions is determined by their supervision by a parole or probation officer. The number of individuals under community correction at any given time is high, much higher than that of the prison population. For example, in 2003, there were around 2.1 million adults incarcerated, but approximately 4.8 million undergoing either parole or probation . These numbers were not unique to that year, but instead represent the general trend . There is no unified system for probation and parole acros s states. Instead each state has their own guidelines and laws surrounding the circumstances in which criminals are eligible, the length, restrictions that are placed on the individual and other factors . Because of this, the manner in which individual supervisors treat those they are in charge of differs significantly between different people, cities and states . The recent changes in sentencing laws have resulted in an increase in the number of people who are receiving community corrections . It is likely that any solution to the problem of high numbers of incarcerated inmates will result in increases to the number of people under probation and parole . This will result in an increased workload for those involved in supervision of offenders. The power of officers has increased significantly in recent times. Currently many parole and probation officers are able to carry weapons, as well as administer drug tests to determine whether the offender is remaining drug free . Effectivenes s One of the key roles of probation and parole is to reduce the rate of criminals reoffending. This is an important issue, as more than two thirds of released prisoners have been found to reoffend within three years of their release . Studies have shown that while probation and parole can be effective as a method of sentencing for many individuals, the rate of recidivism remains very high . One factor that limits the effectiveness of probation is the fact that a large number of people on probation and par

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Conflict Management in Aviation

Conflict Management in Aviation Conflict Resolution Conflicts occur when there are disagreements between an individual or groups. When an individual strongly oppose each other’s ideas a conflict may start. Conflict can start anytime and at any place between anyone. A conflict results in verbal arguments, abuses and also spoils relationships. What should be noted is no matter how well you manage your organization conflicts may arise no matter what. Conflicts are always not bad for an organization. If managed properly conflicts can generate a positive outcome to the organization. Different skills are used by the authorities to solve conflicts. Discussed below are few strategies used to manage conflicts. Accommodating- this strategy essentially gives the opposing side what it wants. The use of accommodation often occurs when one of the parties wishes to keep the peace or treats the issue as minor. Avoiding- The avoidance strategy tries to put off conflict before it happens. By delaying or ignoring the conflict, the avoider hopes the problem resolves itself without a argument. Those who actively avoid conflict frequently have low esteem or hold a position of low power. In some circumstances, avoiding can serve as a profitable conflict management strategy Collaborating- This works by joining ideas set out by multiple people. The main objective of this strategy is to find a creative solution acceptable to everyone. Collaboration, though useful, takes significant time to be solved Compromising- This strategy typically calls for both sides of a conflict to give up in order to establish an acceptable solution. This strategy prevails most often in conflicts where the parties hold approximately equivalent power. Competing- This strategy usually results in which one side wins and other loses. Highly assertive personalities often fall back on competition as a conflict management strategy. Although this is not the best solution for a conflict it is widely used by the management to solve conflicts. On the topic of conflict management George Kohlrieser states that, ‘Conflict management plays a very important role at workplaces to prevent conflicts and for the employees to concentrate on their work. The team leaders must ensure that the roles and responsibilities of each and every employee are clearly passed on to them.’ Managing conflicts is very vital for the organization because if not handled properly they can affect the productivity of the company output. Training the staff of such situation can be advantageous to the organization by many ways. If the necessary training is given to the staff the conflicts can be prevented and be handled in a more professional manner. The employer would also feel the importance of conflict management and also would make sure to contribute to prevent it at any cost. Merit 02 Conflict Transformation One perception of a conflict is that it can be good for the organization. If a conflict has come up it is verily due to one of the weakness within the organization. Once this weakness is identified the organization or business is able to rectify it and operate better. Conflicts are classified into two as long term and short term. Short-term conflicts can be relatively easily resolved while long-term conflicts involve non-negotiable issues that tend to resist resolution.Conflict may be a burden to the organization if it goes long term. As we have discussed before, an unresolved conflict may affect the productivity of the company and would result in the downfall of the organization. The following texts are taken from Challenges of negotiating long term concerns (2010),‘to protect the future interests of their organization, negotiators sometimes must accept fewer benefits or absorb greater burdens in the short run to maximize the value to all relevant parties – including future employees and shareholders – over time.’ If the conflict is not resolved the organization would take every possible measure to solve it. Negotiators are brought in by the company if there is no short term solution for the conflict. This measure is taken by the organization to prevent the conflict to be a long term one because it would then become a more complex problem. The negotiators would try to accept the demands put up by the parties who are affected even if it’s not highly beneficial for the organization. If a conflict does become a long term issue it would be a highly complex problem for the organization to solve. Then the organization would have to make sure to have constant interaction with the parties who are involved so that the conflict can be solved without any further due. Distinction 02 Reasons for a conflict Reason for conflict- The subordinate of the airline feels ignored by the superior and complains that the company is not bothered about the physical welfare of the individual and also feels that he is not satisfied with the return he gets on all the hard work he puts in. Solution- The best solution the superiors can come up with is to first have a meeting with the sub ordinate to discuss the issue. Here they can discuss all the problems the individual is going through and a solution for it. Since the subordinate feels that he’s presence is not felt by the airline, the superior should get them involved during any decision making process of the company. Airlines should also have meetings and agendas to discuss the problems of the company and its employees. In this way the business is able to build a rapport between the superiors and its sub ordinates. This would make the employees that their idea is looked into and they feel that they too are important assets of the company. Since the employee feels that he doesn’t get enough return for all the hard work he puts into, the airline decides to pay him extra for every additional hour he works. They also decide to give him an allowance for transport since he might have to travel late in the night during overtime. The airline should make sure when giving solutions that the other employees are also treated fairly. Therefore before coming up with the solution the airline should study the operations first and then provide the solution after thinking wisely because an unresolved conflict could hamoer the potential production of the airline. Task 04 Conventions Tokyo Convention This convention is also known as Convention of Offences and certain other acts committed on board of the aircraft. This was basically an international treaty which concluded at Tokyo on the 14th of September 1963. The Convention is valid to offences against penal law and to any act which tends to jeopardize the safety of persons or property on board civilian aircraft while in flight. Coverage includes the commission of or the intention to commit offences and certain other acts on board aircraft registered in a Contracting State in-flight over the high seas and any other areas beyond the territory of any State in addition to the airspace belonging to any Contracting State. Criminal jurisdiction may be exercised by Contracting States other than the State of Registry under limited conditions. For the first time in the history of international aviation law this convention recognized certain powers of the aircraft commander who on international flights may restrain any person he has reaso nable cause to believe is committing or is about to commit an offence liable to interfere with the safety of persons or property on board or who is jeopardizing good order and discipline. The Hague Convention TheHague Hijacking Convention(formally theConvention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft) is multilateral treatyby which states agree to prohibit and punishaircraft hijacking. The convention does not apply to customs, law enforcement or military aircraft, thus it applies exclusively to civilian aircraft.The convention concludedon 16 December 1970, the convention has currently has 185 state parties. The convention only addresses situations in which an aircraft takes off or lands in a place different from its country of registration. The convention sets out the principle that a party to the treaty must prosecute an aircraft hijacker if no other state requests his or herextraditionfor prosecution of the same crime. Montreal Convention This convention was formally known astheConvention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air. This convention was signed by 105 parties on the 28th of May 1999. It amended important requirements of theWarsaw Convention rule concerning compensation for the victims of air disasters. The Convention attempts to re-establish a new set of rules relating to the international carriage ofpassengers,baggageand cargo. The following texts were taken from Handling disruptive passengers (1998), ‘Unruly and violent passengers create a massive safety risk to the aircraft and its passengers. They can also prove to be very expensive to airlines. In some cases, captains have been forced to divert a flight to eject the violent passenger. British Airways has said that the average cost of an unscheduled landing is 40,000 pounds sterling.’ Airlines try their best when handling disruptive passengers because in aviation or any other business customer is considered as king. When it comes to airlines, they make sure to follow the specific guidelines provided to by IATA. Airlines are advised not to take drunken passengers in the aircraft. During flight if the airline feels that a passenger is getting too drunk, they can refuse to serve them more alcohol because it could make them unruly later on. Unruly and disruptive passengers are not tolerated by airlines because they can jeopardize the safety of aircraft, therefore airlines follow a strict set of rules when it comes to handling them. The airline crew can go to the extent of killing a disruptive passenger if they are trying to enter the cockpit forcefully. In minor cases such as verbal or physical abuse the cabin staff would use constraint belts to tie up the passenger. Merit 03 Aspects of Conflict There is a theory stating that conflicts have its own life cycles. At first stage it would not be that effective then during transformation it would reach an emotional level and event may lead up to a violent climax and then disappears and often reappears again. There is a reason why and individuals or groups have goals: Goals may be mismatched (different from one another) When goals are mismatched an issue would arise. A party with unrealized goals would feel frustrated Frustration then would lead to aggression which would also lead to verbal or physical violence. This violence would affect conflict with the goals and objectives. In this way a conflict would never be resolved. A simple conflict may combine with other conflicts and turn into a very complex situation where the solution can be complicating, On the topic of conflict transformation Johan Galtung states that, ‘a conflict may almost get eternal life, vexing and waning, disappearing and reappearing, the original, root, conflict recedes into the background like when cold war attention focused mostly on such means of destruction as nuclear missiles. Conflicts have both life-affirming and life-destroying aspects. Once formed, conflicts undergo a variety of transformational processes. .Conflict transformation is concerned with five specific types of transformation, focusing upon the structural, behavioral and attitudinal aspects of conflict: a. Actors– modifying actors’ goals and their approach to pursuing these goals, including by strengthening understanding as to the causes and consequences of their respective actions; b. Contexts– challenging the meaning and perceptions of conflict itself, particularly the respective attitudes and understandings of specific actors towards one another; c. Issues– redefining the issues that are central to the prevailing conflict, and reformulating the position of key actors on those very issues; d. Rules– changing the norms and rules governing decision-making at all levels in order to ensure that conflicts are dealt with constructively through institutional channels; e. Structures– adjusting the prevailing structure of relationships, power distributions and socio-economic conditions that are embedded in and inform the conflict, thereby affecting the very fabric of interaction between previously incompatible actors, issues and goals. For conflict transformation to happen, tensions between parties to the conflict must be overcome by ensuring that all actors recognize their interests not through violence. Conflict transformation looks beyond clear issues and is characterized by creative problem-solving. Conflict transformation involves a third party, in order to help actors modify their emotional views on the ‘Other’, thereby helping to break down divisions between the two parties involved in the conflict. Distinction 03 Policy Regarding Unruly Passenger Unruly and disruptive passengers are common sight which occurs in airports and also during flights. Passengers usually become unruly when they are drunk. Flight delays and or poor customer service are few other contributory factors for disruptive passengers. Airlines usually try their best to avoid such situations because it could affect the goodwill of the airline. Therefore airlines handle these cases with much precaution because they are highly sensitive. The following texts are taken from Disruptive passenger behavior, ‘The problem of unruly passengers is constantly increasing within the airline industry. Although unruly passengers represent only a minute proportion of our passengers as a whole, we must never forget that one aggressive passenger can jeopardize safety on board.’ Airlines try to take immediate measure when handling unruly and disruptive passengers since they could jeopardize the safety of the aircraft. When it comes to handling these cases airlines usually follow the guidelines provided by IATA regarding handling unruly and disruptive passengers. If the pilot in command feels that that the passenger has done or is about to do anything which may jeopardize the safety of the aircraft the pilot is entitled to take reasonable measures To protect the safety of the aircraft. Protect persons on board Disembark unruly or violent passengers. Such measure could include physically restraining the violent passengers. Every reasonable effort to protect passengers against any offences by unruly and disruptive passengers should be made. Passengers who are likely to be unruly and disruptive must be carefully monitored, and if necessary, refused embarkation. The flight crew is also trained to handle violent passengers. Alcohol is considered to be one of the root causes for unruly passengers therefore the crew makes sure to monitor the behavior of the passengers who consume alcohol. They also make sure to stop serving alcohol to passengers whom they feel will go to a state of drunkenness. Airlines make sure to handle disruptive and unruly passengers in an appropriate manner so that the passenger’s feelings are not hurt because in fact the customer is king when it comes to any business. Reference Page Journals Conflict Management (2005) by George Kohlrieserpg5 Available at: CMPG_SOURCE=webletter-july-07> Handling disruptive passengers (1998) by Martin Pittpg9 Available at:> Conflict transformation (2000) by Johan Galtungpg10 Available at:> Websites Challenges of negotiating long term concerns (2010) by Pon Staffpg 6 Available at:> Disruptive passenger behavior (1998) by Tim Chealpg 12 Available at:> Distruptive passenger behavior Pg 12 Available at:> 1

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

primates :: essays research papers

Article Abstract #two Human evolution is always a myth to most of the people. However, researchers who study human evolution have tried to find the evidences to explain human evolution. In the rain forest of Ivory Coast, a group of local chimpanzees has been observed by researchers Christophe Boesch and Hedwige Boesch-Achermann since 1979. The place where they conducted this research is called the Tai national park which is a 1,600 square Miles of a tropical forest in the republic of the Ivory Coast. In the beginning, they are interested in local chimpanzees of using natural-hammers which are stones and branches to open hard-shell nuts. They had never seen another primate using stones as a tool before except our human being. Not only the chimpanzees in the Tai national park know how to use the stones as a tool, but they also would select the appropriate size of stone which near the tree instead of running around to search the stone. The researchers think that this kind of mental ability is close to a nine -year-old human. As their work progressed, another significant discovery that surprised them is that chimpanzees are eating meat. Not only this, chimpanzees are also hunting cooperatively as a group. This notion of group hunting and cooperation is the key ingredient in the evolution of homo sapiens which is proposed by Raymond Dart in 1953. However, group hunting and sharing food could also be found in some social carnivores such as lions for instance. But many anthropologists still think that this kind of phenomenon is familiar with human in 1.8 million years ago when the time we first started to develop social system. Furthermore, anthropologists also believe that by observing the behavior of forest chimpanzees might help us to understand the theories of